How to grow a creative business with Sarah Durham
If you’re a "passionate practitioner" with the “good” problem of too much work, today's blog post (and podcast episode) is for you. Sarah Durham , founder of Big Duck , who has recently reinvented herself as an executive coach for “accidental entrepreneurs,” shares insights into growing a creative business...and so much more. Here's one of my favorite quotes from the conversation, when Sarah said: One of the things I found was , once you learn how to read financial statements, you can actually set up financial statements in a way that makes sense to you. You can give things names that makes sense to you. You can run reports that makes sense to you and are visual and turn them into dashboards. Sure, that's a different kind of creativity , perhaps , than what we think of when we think of illustration or design or copywriting, but it can be really meaningful. When you get a report that makes sense to you because you co-created it with your bookkeeper or ...