Twitter’s New Logo Looks Suspiciously Familiar

Twitter’s New Logo Looks Suspiciously Familiar

Twitter may be in the midst of a rebranding, but its new “X” logo looks suspiciously similar to at least two pre-existing logos.

Elon Musk began showing off Twitter’s new X logo Sunday, but it didn’t take long for eagle-eyed individuals to notice how similar it was to Tuxedo Computers’ logo.

Tuxedo Computers Logo

On the company’s Reddit forum, users commented on the similarity, prompting a response from one of the Tuxedo team:

Let’s just say, that we had the same intuition earlier today. Probably we are just biased and overthinking it, who knows. 👀

Similarly, Phoronix was quick to point out how similar Twitter’s new logo is to that of the foundation. Foundation Logo

While it is true that there are only so many ways to display an “X,” there’s no denying that Twitter’s new logo is disturbingly similar to existing designs.

It’s also interesting that Twitter’s design is similar to the logos of two organizations that are major open source players. It makes one wonder if Twitter would unveil a logo so similar to that of a multi-billion dollar corporation with a team of attorneys eager and waiting to sue for infringement.

Twitter’s New Logo Looks Suspiciously Familiar

* This article was originally published here


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