One Creative Pro's Take on AI: Deborah Brozina

For the 500th episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, we're kicking off a new series of conversations: One Creative Pro's Take on AI

Yup! We're talking about AI – artificial intelligence.

I am bullish on AI, I am fascinated by all the different things it means already and will mean well into the future. My mantra these days, no matter what kind of work you do, is “adapt and adopt.”

I’m super curious about how it will change my world and the world of my clients. In fact, I’m a little obsessed lately by how we can use it to find clients...

That’s why I’m offering a free webinar called Potential Clients on Tap with AI on Wednesday, May 29, 12-1 PM ET. Sign up here:

Speaking of’s podcast episode is a conversation with Deborah Brozina, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker who runs Making Change Productions, a company that helps nonprofits and mission driven firms deliver targeted content that improves engagement by 2.6x!

Deb is also a long time colleague and a current member of the Simplest Marketing Plan. She’s been aware of the origins of AI for many years, in fact since she was in engineering school at Cornell.

In today's conversation, Deb shares her experience and perspective on AI, especially for creatives.

Read (and comment on) her LinkedIn post on what creatives in the non profit sector should do first when it comes to AI.

Then listen here (and below).

* This article was originally published here


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