Dealing with Bad Client Behaviors? Here’s What to Do…
What do you do when you have a client that doesn’t pay on time? Or they never reply… or they don’t respect your boundaries? Can you “train” them to be a better client? Or should you fire them? A few weeks ago, I asked readers to select their least-favorite client behaviors. Here’s what they chose: “Inconsistent workload” being the biggest complaint... Closely followed by “Undervaluing my expertise” and “Bad communication.” Sound familiar ? The good news is… You can definitely train some clients, if you start early and set the right precedents. But it’s kind of like training a dog, in that it’s less about training them and more about training yourself. For example… I’ve been teaching my dog, Fanny, to stop at crosswalks. I tell her to sit then give her a treat. But now she sits wherever she wants – often in the middle of the block – and expects a treat! (Of course, I give her one… which perpetuates this habit, which happens to be adorable.) Clients, like dogs, are cr...